
The Outside-In Perspective

From Reorganize for Resilience: Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business by Ranjay Gulati:

Those companies built around an inside-out mind-set—those pushing out products and services to the marketplace based on a narrow viewpoint of their customers that looks at them only through the narrow lens of their products—are less resilient in turbulent times than those organized around an outside-in mind-set that starts with the marketplace, then looks to deliver creatively on market opportunities. Outside-in orientation maximizes customer value—and produces more supple organizations.

**“Embracing an outside-in perspective—focusing on creatively delivering something of value to customers instead of obsessing over pushing your product portfolio—builds an inherent flexibility into organizations.** While this perspective is beneficial under all market conditions, its advantages become particularly acute in adverse and turbulent markets, making you inherently more responsive to market shifts, a competence that’s especially important in markets where firms must radically alter what they produce, what they sell, and how they sell it. Rallying around customer problems thus results in the resilience that protects businesses from economic storms.”

A key reason why I believe that Innovation starts with people and not products.

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