
Kanyini, South Australia’s Very Own Satellite Taking Shape

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It’s a major milestone for the Kanyini satellite, which has secured a spot onboard the SpaceX Transporter next year. Once it blasts off into low Earth orbit, it will be Australia’s first state-based satellite.

Aerospace company Inovor Technologies, Internet of Things provider Myriota and research co-op SmartSat CRC have worked on the space project from their offices in Lot Fourteen.

Working with the South Australian government, the data collected from the satellite’s three-year sun-synchronous orbital mission will inform future space missions and help improve state services such as emergency services and environmental monitoring.

SmartSat CRC is leading the mission. The company’s satellite systems manager, Nick Manser, says pulling together all the components into an integrated flatsat, or test satellite, is a big milestone” for the project.

Up until this point, everyone’s been working on their components independently, but we’ve now reached an important milestone where we’ve started to connect everything up together in a lab for the first time,” Manser says.

We’re kicking off a testing campaign to make sure that all that equipment plays nicely together and it’s going to work when we send it into space.”

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