
Technology Innovation Is More Than Technology

While others will often suggest the best thing you can do as a founder is learn to code, this is in fact one of the worst uses of your time (unless you enjoy puzzles, in which case it’s great). Most important software startups in 2014 are fundamentally about solving big human problems within the context of human systems with boring technology. If you accept this premise, your time is best spent developing insights into human needs and behaviors that existing frameworks (conventional wisdom) do not account for.

StartupLJackson writes very well.  The idea that technology founders should look at solving fundamental human problems is the key to creating value.

This is the same idea for large organisations. If you are SME in Manufacturing, NFP, Social Enterprise, or a international development agency, the goal should be the same. Technology by itself is not the point. What we need is a focus on people, the human wants, needs and aspirations”, and how we can help people achieve what they want.

Any technology strategy has to be more than technology unless you are looking at pure research.

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