
In the Ideas Business, Australia Is in the Centre of the World

Seth Godin visualises a paradigm shift. Living in Australia this is a powerful metaphor for me.

Australia in the centreAustralia in the centre.png

For a long time, Australians thought of themselves as living on the edge of the Earth, a long haul from markets, from industries and from colleagues.

Today, of course, Australia is precisely in the middle.


There will always be two ends of the market. There’s the race to the bottom, based on efficiency at all costs, that says, we have what they have, but cheaper.” The problem with the race to the bottom is that you might win.

The other end is for items that we want, regardless of how far away they come from, because the ideas they embody are worth seeking out.

If you’re in the idea business, it doesn’t matter where you’re from. It matters if we care about the change you’re making.

Australia in the centre

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