
Cooperatives Forum

Have you ever thought about how your business could benefit by being part of a thriving co-operative?

With the NDIS disrupting the care market place, the role of co-operatives in the new world of consumer led care now provides key opportunities for this sector in particular.

Do you want to know how it would work and how to go about it, based on the successful care co-operatives in the UK and how they can work here?

This is a forum for the disability services sector and other health and wellbeing service providers, designed to explore the opportunities of cooperatives. The program will include a showcase of the collaborative business models explored in the Growth Lab for Health, Ageing and Disability.

The forum will feature keynote presentations from international experts in care co-operatives and social enterprise, Dr Guy Turnbull (UK), and CEO of the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, Melina Morrison (Sydney).

If you are working in the disability services, health, or well-being sectors this is a unique opportunity to attend a forum designed to reveal the value creation potential of co-operatives. Presenters will also showcase successful care co-operatives in the UK and provide practical advice on how to design and run a co-operative here in Australia.

Co-operatives are based on values” and value propositions”. They are based on fundamental principles that enable them to be governed by members. This goes to the heart of values. At the same time, co-ops enable a new kind of value proposition - whether for control and choice for the customer, for enabling better employee engagement, or to create a scale for the front and back end of the business.

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