Steve Jobs in commencement speech at Stanford says that ” you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”
When I do the same for my life, I see a pattern. A pattern of the power of business thinking, the value of tools and methods used in the corporate world. I see a pattern of problems faced in rural India, in the economic development of people around the world and the problems of environmental sustainability, child protection and other social issues in developed countries. I see my world when I connect the dots backwards to be able to bring the disciplines of the business world in the social sector. I see the value in that process. I call it Humanomics.
In the same vein, the process of working in the social sector the see the value of mission, passion, focussed on outcomes and not outputs and the need to deeply understand and empathize with people as key learnings that can be learned by the corporate sector.
This is where Social Innovation comes in. Social innovation is the process of addressing the world’s most pressing challenges with novel solutions that are better than current solutions, new to the world and benefit society as a whole not just a single entity
In a bigger context, the world of social problems are so intractable, that they have become “wicked” and the only way to solve them is to bring the innovative capabilities of the business, government, social and philanthropic areas together on one platform to solve them. These are beyond any one sector.
I see that innovation and value can only be created by leveraging the tools, techniques and learnings from more than one sector.
The goal of this blog is to document my learnings around this and to capture the generative knowledge as it is created and to connect with other likeminded people. Part of this will be linking to content I like and writing about stuff.
I like blogs like or Tim Carmody said this best –link/pull/response. That will be a key part of this blog apart from writing my own content.