
Technology is important and apps are the way of the future. 74billion apps were downloaded in the last 7 years on the iOS platform. That is unbelievable. What is key though that technology is used as a way to solve important issues that matter. If we could do that with children and teach them about problem solving and technology then we have hit the sweet spot. This is exactly Apps for Good is doing in the UK.

Our course teaches coding and the fundamentals of the digital world, while also developing skills in problem solving, creativity, communication and teamwork. With a focus on solving real issues that matter to young people, our students learn the full software product development process in a hands-on way.

We recognize that educators are at very different stages in terms of their students learning to code. We have built in opportunities throughout the course for the students to build working prototypes. Educators can then choose the depth of learning that is most appropriate for their students.


From 2013/2014 onwards, there are four prototyping tiers for educators and students:

  • Tier 1 — Basic: Balsamiq click-through wireframes/ POP app
  • Tier 2 — Building blocks: AppInventor 1 & 2 plus AppShed
  • Tier 3 — Web: starting with Blockly (show Javascript) and HTML+CSS (including code in JSBin or Thimble), then moving to plug-ins, framework and libraries and APIs
  • Tier 4 — Social: Javascript, social Plug-ins and Facebook API (public & private) including JSBin, but also Facebook developer account

It will be great if we could add to this a way of thinking about social challenges and even problems in general in a better way. The first one is about ideas.

To focus on people and what they want for their life is key. The second one is understanding the context of people rather than tech. Good one to prototype in Australia.

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